The Best Time To Modernize Talent Acquisition Is Now

Ofer Razon

These days, it seems like every other headline is about layoffs. Companies are cutting costs left and right, and unfortunately, that often means trimming the workforce. While for some, this is a tough pill to swallow, for others, this is nothing but an excellent opportunity to get the right talent on board. It might look like the talent pool is flooded - and truthfully, the challenge of finding the right talent just became more hectic than ever.

That’s exactly when the old-fashioned talent acquisition approach and tools may present themselves as exactly what they are; old-fashioned. You and your team might still have openings, looking to grow and evolve, but stumble upon methods that no longer fit the world of talent sourcing in 2023.

So what’s it all about? What does modernizing talent acquisition look like?

Acting fast on market signals

First, we must agree that now is the time to act fast. The market is changing and the signals are out there - if you don’t pick up on them as they happen, someone else will.

Some of these can be companies starting layoffs; management switching; people voluntarily leaving certain companies; relevant press releases circling; and of course, in the world of public companies, stock changes happening by the minute.

How can you keep track of everything as it’s happening, in a timely and actionable manner, while still having to do your job? It’s nearly impossible for a person to track everything at all times - and in 2023, you don’t have to. Technology can do it for you.

Where is the perfect match?

If you’re lucky, as you’re browsing through your many inbound applications, you might find a person who fits the job description exactly as you posted it; they have the right skill set, and match exactly the years of experience required; they previously worked at exactly the same industry or niche as your product, and happen to be a subject matter expert in your field; and of course, they’re interested in the position - as they actively submitted their resume on your website.

But alas, not all of us are as lucky - and not all of us are lucky in all positions we have open. That’s where the power of finding the right talents comes in.

Are you familiar with the history of your company’s hiring practices, and similar companies to yours? It’s imperative to know and understand what works, where your talents are currently employed, and where they come from that makes them successful when they arrive to your company.

Maybe you’re not even aware of the hidden talent pools, because of the limits of your binary search - being manipulated by a social platform’s algorithm, limited to your current network and unable to find the talents you don’t know you need to search for.

Today, it’s no longer relevant to spend hours seeing profile over profile, searching online for the right person, adjusting the search parameters again and again, hoping to hit uncharted talent pools - because after all this work, you’re still unclear on who exactly is the right fit for this role at your company.

What you need is a modern tool that will learn how your company recruits, the same way as Spotify or Netflix learn our taste: where talents have previously been before joining your company, what industries might be a better fit, what is the career trajectory of someone who’s proven to be successful in this role. 

And not only your side matters here, right? You want to make sure joining your company would make sense for this talent as their next step as well, so they would be willing to hear more about the opportunity.

It’s about understanding and analyzing a talent’s career path, calculating the mutual fit and doing it all exactly at the right time - when their readiness to move will be at its highest. Tracking exactly the right indicators that will push the talent to be more likely to leave their current company and making sure they are likely to join yours.

But how can you do all of this, think and calculate for every talent? When do you even have time, or the capacity, or the attention span? Ah, yes. That’s actually data analysis meant for… computers.

Elasticity on demand

You might be thinking - yes, I need tools and technology to help me. You already know all of that, but what it usually means is paying a lot of money to vendors (raise your hand if you’re spending five digits for LinkedIn Recruiter), or even worse - paying to recruitment agencies that cost a fortune, especially for small startups, and might not even be able to find the best talent.

All in all, the old-fashioned options tie you with massive amounts, on annual commitments, not providing with any flexibility or elasticity that fits your actual hiring needs.

You want to be able to have a tool that can scale up and down with your seasonality, grow when you want, and scale back when it’s not needed. A tool that helps you understand recruitment is anybody’s business - talent acquisition, hiring managers - without limiting or basing its pricing per the number of users involved.

A tool that says - the more, the merrier.

Lastly… it has to be fun.

At the end of the day, we’re all consumers who want to enjoy using the tools in our stack. The worst that could happen is frustration because of an inconvenient system, or a tool that wasn’t designed with the user in mind.

You need a beautiful, easy-to-use platform that was designed with you in mind. It’s time for recruitment tools to join the new age.

Welcome Perfect.

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